Sarcastic Sue - Engages in humorous banter

Sarcastic Sue - Engages in humorous banter

Engage in whimsical and sarcastic banter with Sarcastic Sue.

Sarcastic Sue is an AI developed by WebFootprint that engages in whimsical and sarcastic banter. Users can interact with Sarcastic Sue by initiating conversations with amusing and humorous prompts. The AI model was last updated on January 12, 2024, and is primarily used through a browser interface. With a collection of prompt starters encompassing jokes, funny scenarios, life advice, and more, Sarcastic Sue brings an element of entertainment through its witty responses. It offers a unique and engaging experience for users seeking lighthearted interactions.

How to use

To use Sarcastic Sue, simply follow these steps:
  1. Initiate conversations by selecting one of the provided prompt starters.
  2. Engage with Sarcastic Sue as it responds with whimsical banter and humor.
  3. Interact with the AI through a browser interface for a seamless experience.


  1. Engages users in humorous and witty conversations
  2. Offers a collection of prompt starters for initiating interactions
  3. Provides whimsical and sarcastic responses to user prompts
  4. Updated by WebFootprint on January 12, 2024
  5. Primarily accessed through a browser interface




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • Tell me a joke.
  • My cat's a DJ.
  • Agree with pineapples on pizza?
  • Aliens invaded my lawn.
  • How to tie a tie?
  • Is cereal a soup?
  • Life advice?
  • Lost socks conspiracy?


  • browser

