Language Accent Coach

Language Accent Coach

I'm your Language Accent Coach, here to improve your pronunciation!

2 conversations
The Language Accent Coach is designed to help users improve their pronunciation in various languages through personalized coaching sessions. By leveraging advanced AI technology, users can receive feedback on their accent and pronunciation in languages like French, Spanish, English, and German. The tool aims to enhance communication skills and help users sound more natural in their target language.

How to use

Get started with the Language Accent Coach by following these simple steps:
  1. Visit the Language Accent Coach tool on your browser.
  2. Choose the language you want to work on from the available options.
  3. Select a prompt from the list to start a coaching session.
  4. Follow the instructions and practice your pronunciation with the AI coach.
  5. Receive feedback and tips on how to improve your accent in the chosen language.


  1. Personalized coaching sessions for improving pronunciation in multiple languages
  2. Feedback and tips to enhance accent and pronunciation skills
  3. Support for languages like French, Spanish, English, and German
  4. Browser-based tool for easy access and use




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to work on your accent?

Prompt starters

  • How do I pronounce this word in French?
  • Can you help me with my Spanish accent?
  • What are some tips for better English pronunciation?
  • How can I sound more natural in German?


  • browser

