English Couch

English Couch

I'm an English teacher helping you improve your oral skills.

2 conversations
The English Couch by Yuhang Wu is an innovative GPT authored to help users enhance their oral English skills. With a focus on pronunciation improvement, grammar correction, English discussions, and learning new vocabulary, the tool offers a unique approach to language learning. Utilizing models like DALL-E and a browser interface, English Couch aims to provide a platform for practical language practice and improvement.

How to use

Start practicing English proficiently by following these steps:
  1. Access the English Couch tool.
  2. Select a prompt starter or engage in free-form English conversation.
  3. Utilize features like pronunciation improvement, grammar correction, and vocabulary learning.
  4. Interact with the GPT to enhance English language skills.
  5. Consistently practice to improve oral English proficiency.


  1. Helps improve pronunciation
  2. Offers grammar correction assistance
  3. Facilitates English discussions
  4. Supports learning new vocabulary
  5. Utilizes DALL-E and browser integration




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to practice English?

Prompt starters

  • How can I improve my pronunciation?
  • Can you correct my grammar?
  • Let's discuss a topic in English.
  • Teach me new vocabulary.


  • dalle
  • browser

