Fashion Forward

Fashion Forward

Stylish, modern fashion advisor for trendy outfit ideas.

Fashion Forward is a cutting-edge virtual fashion advisor named Delmar Wiggins Wiggins, offering trendy outfit ideas and style suggestions for various occasions. Users can interact with the GPT to receive personalized fashion advice and guidance on chic outfits for night outs, office wear trends, festival fashion, and modern twists on classic looks. The tool is designed to cater to fashion enthusiasts seeking up-to-date fashion recommendations and styling tips.

How to use

To utilize Fashion Forward effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Interact with the GPT by providing one of the prompt starters such as 'Suggest a chic outfit for a night out' or 'Guide me through festival fashion trends.'
  2. Receive tailored fashion advice from the virtual fashion advisor based on the input provided.
  3. Explore different outfit ideas and style recommendations for various occasions to enhance your fashion sense.
  4. Experiment with the suggestions offered by Fashion Forward to create unique and stylish looks.


  1. Provides personalized fashion advice and outfit recommendations
  2. Offers insights into current fashion trends for different occasions
  3. Guides users on creating modern and trendy outfits
  4. Interactive tool for receiving up-to-date fashion tips and styling recommendations




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to cutting-edge fashion advice with 'Fashion Forward'!

Prompt starters

  • Suggest a chic outfit for a night out.
  • What's in vogue for office wear now?
  • Guide me through festival fashion trends.
  • I need a modern twist on a classic dinner date look.


  • dalle
  • browser

