Fashion Maven

Fashion Maven

Your personal fashion advisor

Fashion Maven is an AI-powered GPT developed by Josiah Surface that serves as a personal fashion advisor. It offers insightful suggestions on trending fashion, outfits for various occasions, color matching based on skin tone, and attire suitability for different events. Fashion Maven is a versatile tool for fashion enthusiasts looking to enhance their style game and make informed fashion choices.

How to use

Fashion Maven can be effectively used by following these steps:
  1. Initiate a conversation by greeting the assistant
  2. Ask about trending fashion or seek outfit recommendations for specific events
  3. Consult on color matching with your skin tone
  4. Inquire about suitable attire for different occasions


  1. Expert fashion advice and recommendations
  2. Insights on trending fashion and style
  3. Color matching recommendations based on skin tone
  4. Outfit suggestions for various events




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to style your day?

Prompt starters

  • What's trending in fashion?
  • Suggest an outfit for a wedding.
  • What colors match my skin tone?
  • Is this dress good for a summer evening?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

