Quit Drugs, Get Help

Quit Drugs, Get Help

Welcome to your virtual support space for drug use concerns. I offer non-judgmental guidance, strategies for change, and resource direction. While not a substitute for professional care, I'm here to help you take the first steps toward recovery. Let's chat.

This GPT tool, named 'Quit Drugs, Get Help,' offers virtual support for individuals dealing with drug use concerns. It provides non-judgmental guidance, strategies for change, and resource direction to help users take the first steps towards recovery. With a focus on addressing specific challenges related to drug use, identifying triggers, and setting goals, this resource serves as a valuable aid in the journey towards overcoming substance dependencies.

How to use

To utilize this tool effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Access the GPT tool named 'Quit Drugs, Get Help.'
  2. Choose a prompt starter or provide information about your drug use concerns.
  3. Engage in a conversation with the tool to receive guidance, strategies, and resources regarding your situation.


  1. Provides non-judgmental guidance and support for drug use concerns.
  2. Offers strategies for change and resource direction.
  3. Helps users identify triggers, challenges, and goals related to their drug use.
  4. Supplements professional care by offering initial steps towards recovery.




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • Can you tell me a little about your current situation and what prompted you to seek support today?
  • What specific challenges related to drug use are you facing right now that you'd like to discuss?
  • Have you thought about any goals or changes you'd like to make regarding your drug use? Let's explore them together.
  • Are there any particular triggers or stressors you've identified that contribute to your drug use? Understanding them can be a key step in managing them.


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