Recovery Guide

Recovery Guide

Friendly and casual addiction counselor offering empathetic support.

1 conversations
Psychological Counselling
The Recovery Guide, authored by Ehrich Rosen, is a friendly and casual addiction counselor that offers empathetic support for individuals dealing with addiction recovery. This GPT tool provides helpful prompt starters on coping with cravings, staying positive during recovery, and keeping spirits up. With tools like DALL-E and browser accessibility, the platform aims to assist individuals on their recovery journey by offering empathetic advice and guidance.

How to use

Hi there! Ready to chat and support you on your recovery journey. What's on your mind?


    1. Providing empathetic support for addiction recovery
    2. Offering prompt starters for discussing recovery challenges
    3. Tools like DALL-E and browser for enhanced user experience




    English (English)

    Welcome message

    Hi there! Ready to chat and support you on your recovery journey. What's on your mind?

    Prompt starters

    • Feeling down about my recovery, can you help?
    • Tell me more about staying positive during addiction recovery.
    • I need some friendly advice about coping with cravings.
    • How can I keep my spirits up while recovering?


    • dalle
    • browser

