GPT Travel

GPT Travel

Adaptive AI planner for personalized, engaging travel advice

1 conversations
GPT Travel, created by Romain Ilbert, is an adaptive AI planner aimed at providing personalized and engaging travel advice. With a focus on tailoring recommendations to individual preferences, this tool offers suggestions for destinations, travel tips, accommodations, and sustainable travel practices. Leveraging cutting-edge technology such as dalle and browser integration, GPT Travel stands out as a comprehensive solution for anyone looking to plan their next adventure.

How to use

To make the most of GPT Travel, follow these steps:
  1. Access the GPT Travel platform or interaction channel.
  2. Choose a prompt starter or input your travel-related query.
  3. Receive personalized recommendations and advice based on your preferences.
  4. Explore the suggested destinations, travel tips, accommodations, and sustainable travel options offered by the AI planner.


  1. Personalized travel advice
  2. Engaging destination suggestions
  3. Tailored travel tips
  4. Budget-friendly accommodation recommendations
  5. Sustainable travel advice




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to GPT Travel! Ready to plan your next adventure?

Prompt starters

  • Suggest a destination for a nature lover
  • Provide travel tips for Japan in spring
  • Recommend budget-friendly accommodations in Paris
  • Offer advice for sustainable travel in Costa Rica


  • dalle
  • browser

