Impulse Guard

Impulse Guard

A guide for becoming less impulsive, offering strategies and encouragement.

Impulse Guard, authored by Nie Jialun, is a comprehensive guide designed to help individuals become less impulsive through effective strategies and encouragement. With an update on January 11, 2024, the tool utilizes DALL-E and a browser for optimized performance. The prompt starters include queries on controlling impulse actions, self-control techniques, managing impulsive shopping habits, and advice on improving patience. The tool greets users with a message emphasizing its role in helping them manage impulsiveness.

How to use

Hello! I'm Impulse Guard, here to help you manage impulsiveness.
  1. A guide authored by Nie Jialun to assist in becoming less impulsive.
  2. Utilizes DALL-E and a browser for an optimal user experience.
  3. Presents prompt starters for initiating conversations on impulsive behavior and self-control strategies.
  4. Gives strategies and encouragement for overcoming impulsive tendencies.


  1. Comprehensive guide on managing impulsiveness and impulsive behavior.
  2. Utilizes DALL-E and a browser for enhanced functionality.
  3. Prompt starters to facilitate discussions on impulse control and self-improvement.
  4. Authored by Nie Jialun.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! I'm Impulse Guard, here to help you manage impulsiveness.

Prompt starters

  • How can I stop acting on impulse?
  • What are some techniques for self-control?
  • Can you help me with my impulsive shopping habits?
  • I struggle with patience. Any advice?


  • dalle
  • browser

