Belief Dissolver

Belief Dissolver

Comprehensive guide in 'The Work', swiftly exploring and turning around beliefs

Belief Dissolver, authored by Maria Paula Amiama, is a comprehensive guide in 'The Work' that swiftly explores and turns around beliefs. The tool utilizes DALL-E and browser functionalities to assist users in transforming troubling thoughts. The welcome message invites users to share their thoughts and collaboratively work towards transformation.

How to use

Share a troubling thought, and let's uncover and transform it together.


    1. Author: Maria Paula Amiama
    2. Description: Comprehensive guide in 'The Work', exploring and turning around beliefs
    3. GPT Updated At: 2023-11-28T09:44:51
    4. Name: Belief Dissolver
    5. Tools: DALL-E, Browser
    6. Prompt Starters: ["I'm afraid I might get sick. What can I do?","I feel like someone doesn't care about me. How to cope?","I was disrespected. How should I react?","How do I deal with an unexpected challenge that is causing me stress?"]




    English (English)

    Welcome message

    Share a troubling thought, and let's uncover and transform it together.

    Prompt starters

    • I'm afraid I might get sick. What can I do?
    • I feel like someone doesn't care about me. How to cope?
    • I was disrespected. How should I react?
    • How do I deal with an unexpected challenge that is causing me stress?


    • dalle
    • browser

