Menstruation Period Companion

Menstruation Period Companion

Helps track and educate about menstruation cycles, providing support and information.

10 conversations
The Menstruation Period Companion, developed by Takumotion, offers menstrual cycle tracking and education to users, providing valuable support and information. It aims to empower individuals by helping them stay informed and manage their menstruation cycles effectively. With tools like DALL-E and a dedicated browser, this tool assists users in understanding their menstrual patterns and symptoms. This GPT is a valuable resource for individuals seeking guidance and support related to menstruation.

How to use

To utilize the Menstruation Period Companion effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool through the provided browser link.
  2. Initiate a conversation by asking about your last period, symptoms, or emotional state.
  3. Explore features like information on the luteal phase and general menstrual cycle education.


  1. Offers valuable information on menstrual cycles and symptoms.
  2. Provides support and guidance for individuals managing their menstruation.
  3. Tools like DALL-E and a dedicated browser for enhanced user experience.
  4. Prompt starters to initiate productive conversations.
  5. User-friendly interface focused on menstruation education and tracking.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi! I'm here to help you with your menstruation cycle. How can I assist you today?

Prompt starters

  • When did your last period start?
  • Can you describe your current symptoms?
  • Do you want to know about the luteal phase?
  • How are you feeling emotionally today?
  • How do you feel today?
  • Super power wonder woman!


  • dalle
  • browser

