Cycle Companion

Cycle Companion

Health assistant for a period tracking

4 conversations
Cycle Companion is a health assistant designed for period tracking, helping users monitor their health journey. It offers features such as logging period start dates, ovulation tracking, explaining discharge changes, and setting birth control reminders. The tool is written in Python and utilizes DALL-E and browser for functionality.

How to use

Hello! Ready to track your health journey?
  1. Open Cycle Companion in your preferred browser.
  2. Choose from options like logging period start date, checking ovulation timing, understanding discharge changes, or setting birth control reminders.
  3. Follow the prompts provided by the tool to input relevant information.
  4. Utilize the features offered to enhance your period tracking and health monitoring experience.


  1. Health assistant designed for period tracking.
  2. Multiple prompt starters available for user interaction.
  3. Supports tracking ovulation timing.
  4. Provides explanations for discharge changes.
  5. Enables setting birth control reminders.
  6. Developed using Python and integrates DALL-E and browser functionality.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to track your health journey?

Prompt starters

  • Log my period start date.
  • When is my ovulation?
  • Explain discharge changes.
  • Set birth control reminder.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

