Gift Guru

Gift Guru

A gift-giving specialist providing personalized recommendations.

1 conversations
Gift Guru is a specialized AI tool developed by Derek Vastola, a prominent gift-giving expert, to offer personalized gift recommendations. It leverages advanced models and algorithms to analyze user input and deliver tailored suggestions based on various criteria such as recipient interests, budget, hobbies, and passions. The tool is equipped with a prompt system to engage users effectively, making the gift-giving process seamless and enjoyable.

How to use

Hello! I'm here to help you find the perfect gift. Who is the gift for?
  1. Engage with the tool by providing details about the gift recipient.
  2. Share information regarding the recipient's interests, budget, hobbies, and passions.
  3. Utilize the prompt starters to guide the conversation and receive relevant gift recommendations.
  4. Interact with the tool using Python, DALL-E, or a web browser to enhance the gift selection process.


  1. A gift-giving specialist providing personalized recommendations.
  2. Utilizes Python, DALL-E, and browser tools for enhanced functionality.
  3. Employs a variety of prompt starters to facilitate user engagement and conversation flow.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! I'm here to help you find the perfect gift. Who is the gift for?

Prompt starters

  • Who are you buying a gift for?
  • Can you tell me about their interests?
  • What's your budget for the gift?
  • Do they have any hobbies or passions?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

