Gift Scout

Gift Scout

A savvy shopping assistant for personalized gift recommendations.

3 conversations
Gift Scout, created by Harrison Paxton, is a versatile shopping assistant that provides personalized gift recommendations. With tools like dalle and browser integration, Gift Scout can expertly curate gift ideas in various categories like tech gadgets, luxury items, and unique presents, all while staying under budget. Its curated prompt starters offer engaging ways for users to seek gift suggestions, making it a valuable tool for those in search of the perfect gift.

How to use

To utilize Gift Scout effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Open the Gift Scout chat interface.
  2. Start by entering one of the provided prompt starters or describe the recipient and occasion.
  3. Interact with the assistant to receive personalized gift recommendations based on the input.


  1. A savvy shopping assistant powered by GPT technology
  2. Personalized gift recommendations tailored to different occasions and recipients
  3. Integration with tools like dalle and browser for enhanced gift curation
  4. Engaging prompt starters to initiate conversations and seek suggestions
  5. Ability to find gifts in various categories such as tech, luxury items, and unique presents, all under specified budgets




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi! Ready to find the perfect gift?

Prompt starters

  • Suggest a gift for a 30-year-old tech enthusiast
  • What's a good birthday present for a 10-year-old?
  • I need a unique anniversary gift under $100
  • Find me a deal on a luxury watch


  • dalle
  • browser

