Wholesome Plate Guide

Wholesome Plate Guide

Friendly advisor for tasty, healthy meals and nutrition tips

2 conversations
The Wholesome Plate Guide by Sudhir Gajre is a friendly advisor for tasty, healthy meals and nutrition tips. With a focus on avoiding simple carbs and making meal planning both fun and nutritious, it provides guidance on managing blood sugar levels, high-protein recipes for weight loss, heart-healthy meal options, and meal plans for energy and fitness.

How to use

To use the Wholesome Plate Guide effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Incorporate meal suggestions for managing blood sugar levels.
  2. Explore high-protein recipes for weight loss.
  3. Discover heart-healthy meal options.
  4. Implement meal plans for energy and fitness.


  1. Author: Sudhir Gajre
  2. Tools: DALL-E, Browser
  3. Prompt Starters: Can you suggest meals for managing blood sugar levels?, I'm looking for high-protein recipes for weight loss., What are some heart-healthy meal options?, Can you recommend a meal plan for energy and fitness?
  4. Welcome Message: Simple carbs can be trouble. Let's plan meals to avoid them, making it fun and tasty!




English (English)

Welcome message

Simple carbs can be trouble. Let's plan meals to avoid them, making it fun and tasty!

Prompt starters

  • Can you suggest meals for managing blood sugar levels?
  • I'm looking for high-protein recipes for weight loss.
  • What are some heart-healthy meal options?
  • Can you recommend a meal plan for energy and fitness?


  • dalle
  • browser

