Food Day

Food Day

Friendly guide for easy, tasty work food ideas

This GPT, named 'Food Day' and authored by Kristen Kelley, serves as a friendly guide for easy and tasty work food ideas. It provides quick and simple recipes suitable for work parties, team lunches, casual meetings, and desserts with few ingredients, offering a convenient way to prepare delicious meals at work. With tools like DALL-E and a browser, users can explore a variety of food suggestions and recipes to enhance their work food experiences.

How to use

Hello! Ready to cook up some easy and yummy food for work?
  1. Engage with the GPT by asking questions related to work food ideas
  2. Receive quick and practical suggestions for work parties, team lunches, casual meetings, and desserts
  3. Utilize the recommended tools, DALL-E and a browser, to enhance the cooking experience


  1. Provides a friendly guide for easy and tasty work food ideas
  2. Offers quick and simple recipes suitable for various work-related occasions
  3. Includes a prompt starters list for engaging with the GPT efficiently
  4. Equipped with tools such as DALL-E and a browser for enhanced exploration




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to cook up some easy and yummy food for work?

Prompt starters

  • Can you suggest a quick dip for a work party?
  • I need a simple sandwich recipe for a team lunch.
  • What's a good finger food for a casual meeting?
  • How can I make a dessert with just a few ingredients?


  • dalle
  • browser

