Outside Trails Enhanced

Outside Trails Enhanced

Dynamic hiking tool with interactive, social, and safety features.

5 conversations
Outside Trails Enhanced is a dynamic hiking tool developed by Robin Thurston that offers interactive, social, and safety features to enhance the hiking experience. Users can plan hikes based on specific scenery preferences, view virtual tours of trails such as Yosemite, share their hiking diaries on social media, and stay updated on the latest trail conditions for popular routes like the Appalachian Trail. The tool leverages AI technology to provide a personalized and engaging hiking experience for outdoor enthusiasts.

How to use

Welcome to Enhanced Outside Trails! Explore and share your hiking journey.
  1. Access the tool using a browser or DALL-E for enhanced experiences.
  2. Select your preferred hiking destination and customize based on scenery preferences.
  3. Interact with the tool to plan your hike, view virtual tours, and share your experience on social media.
  4. Stay updated on trail conditions and safety features for a seamless hiking experience.


  1. Interactive hiking tool with social and safety features
  2. Ability to plan hikes based on specific scenery preferences
  3. Virtual tours of popular trails such as Yosemite
  4. Share hiking diaries on social media platforms
  5. Stay updated on the latest trail conditions for various hiking routes




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to Enhanced Outside Trails! Explore and share your hiking journey!

Prompt starters

  • How do I plan a hike with specific scenery preferences?
  • Can I see a virtual tour of the Yosemite trails?
  • How do I share my hiking diary on social media?
  • What are the latest trail conditions for the Appalachian Trail?


  • dalle
  • browser

