Trail Companion

Trail Companion

A virtual hiking guide providing trail info, difficulty levels, and accommodation tips.

2 conversations
Trail Companion is a virtual hiking guide designed by Xuepo Ma. It provides comprehensive trail information, difficulty levels, and accommodation tips to assist hikers in planning their adventures. The platform is equipped with advanced tools like DALLE and browser capabilities. With an updated GPT model as of 2023-11-12, users can engage with the system through specific prompt starters, making it an invaluable resource for outdoor enthusiasts seeking guidance on hiking destinations.

How to use

Welcome to your virtual hiking guide! How can I assist you on your next adventure?


    1. A virtual hiking guide for trail information
    2. Provides difficulty levels for various trails
    3. Offers accommodation tips for hikers
    4. Equipped with advanced tools like DALLE and browser capabilities
    5. Engage through specific prompt starters for tailored assistance




    English (English)

    Welcome message

    Welcome to your virtual hiking guide! How can I assist you on your next adventure?

    Prompt starters

    • Suggest a beginner-friendly hike near Seattle.
    • How difficult is the Appalachian Trail?
    • Where can I stay near Zion National Park?
    • What's the traffic like on the John Muir Trail?


    • dalle
    • browser

