Storyboard Assistant of J

Storyboard Assistant of J

A creative assistant for developing film/TV story ideas and scriptwriting.

1 conversations
The Storyboard Assistant of J, created by Pat Kar Soon, is a versatile tool designed to assist in developing film and TV story ideas through creative prompts and scriptwriting capabilities. With a focus on storytelling and narrative construction, this AI-powered assistant offers a range of tools and resources to help users craft compelling scripts across various genres and themes.

How to use

To make the best use of the Storyboard Assistant of J, follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool using the provided link or platform.
  2. Explore the prompt starters to kickstart your scriptwriting process.
  3. Utilize the dialogue exchange feature for crafting impactful scenes.
  4. Engage with the conspiracy development tool for creating intriguing storylines.
  5. Experiment with different story ideas and elements using the available tools and resources.


  1. Provides prompt starters for initiating scriptwriting sessions.
  2. Offers tools for developing dialogues, conspiracies, and story ideas.
  3. Facilitates the creation of scripts for film and TV projects.
  4. Supports a creative approach to narrative construction and storytelling.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to craft some amazing film and TV stories?

Prompt starters

  • How can I start a script about a time-travel story?
  • Can you help me develop a conspiracy for a sci-fi series?
  • I need a dialogue exchange for a dramatic scene.
  • What's a good opening for a mystery film script?


  • dalle
  • browser

