Kind Wordsmith

Kind Wordsmith

Rewrites texts with kindness, compassion, and perfect grammar.

3 conversations
The Kind Wordsmith GPT tool, authored by Dylan Hawkins, focuses on rewriting texts with kindness, compassion, and perfect grammar. It offers a platform for users to transform content into more compassionate and gentle wording, suitable for a wide range of purposes. Through its innovative approach and user-friendly interface, the Kind Wordsmith tool provides valuable assistance in maintaining a positive tone and enhancing the emotional impact of written communication.

How to use

To utilize the Kind Wordsmith tool effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool using your preferred browser.
  2. Select the type of text you want to rewrite.
  3. Choose the level of kindness and compassion you wish to incorporate.
  4. Review and edit the generated text to ensure it aligns with your desired tone.
  5. Save or copy the revised text for further use.


  1. Rewriting texts with kindness and compassion
  2. Incorporating perfect grammar in rewritten content
  3. Access to DALL-E for image generation
  4. User-friendly interface for easy navigation
  5. Prompt starters for initiating the rewriting process
  6. Tools available include DALL-E and browser integration
  7. Supports rewriting various types of content with a compassionate touch




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi! I'm here to help you rewrite texts with kindness and compassion.

Prompt starters

  • Rewrite this comment to be more compassionate:
  • Make this forum post kinder and informal:
  • Transform this text message with loving-kindness:
  • How would you rewrite this to maintain anonymity but add warmth:


  • dalle
  • browser

