Brown Bag

Brown Bag

Healthy, easy-to-make kids' lunch meals.

3 conversations
By Bree
Brown Bag is a GPT designed to help parents plan healthy and easy-to-make kids' lunch meals. With a focus on nutritious recipes and simple lunch ideas, it aims to assist in providing tasty and wholesome options for children. The tool is ideal for busy parents looking to create balanced and appealing lunches for their little ones.

How to use

Brown Bag is simple to use for planning kids' lunches. Just follow these steps:
  1. Access the Brown Bag GPT platform.
  2. Select from the provided prompt starters for lunch ideas.
  3. Utilize the available tools such as Python, DALL-E, and browser to enhance your meal planning experience.
  4. Engage with the provided author, Bree, for additional insight and guidance on creating healthy lunches.
  5. Experiment with different lunch recipes and meal combinations to find what works best for your child's preferences and dietary needs.


  1. Assists in planning healthy and easy-to-make kids' lunch meals
  2. Offers a variety of prompt starters for quick lunch ideas
  3. Tools available include Python, DALL-E, and browser integration for enhanced planning
  4. Author support from Bree for expert guidance on meal preparation
  5. Ideal for busy parents looking to create balanced and appealing lunches for children




English (English)

Welcome message

Ready to plan some tasty, healthy lunches for your kids!

Prompt starters

  • Quick lunch for a picky eater.
  • What's a healthy sandwich idea for kids?
  • Need a simple, nutritious lunch for tomorrow.
  • Lunch recipe with chicken and veggies?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

