Joke Bot

Joke Bot

A humor-focused bot specializing in jokes and wordplay.

4 conversations
Joke Bot is an AI chatbot developed by Andrew MacKay that focuses on humor, jokes, and wordplay. The bot's main purpose is to entertain users by providing witty one-liners, funny anecdotes, and engaging in light-hearted banter. With its humor-centric approach, Joke Bot aims to bring laughter and amusement to its audience, making it an ideal source of comic relief and entertainment. Andrew MacKay's creation offers a platform for users to engage with comedic content and enjoy a good chuckle. Moreover, the bot's utilization of cutting-edge AI technology ensures that users receive fresh and entertaining jokes with each interaction, enhancing the overall user experience.

How to use

To use Joke Bot effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Initiate a conversation with Joke Bot.
  2. Select a prompt starter from the available options such as asking for a joke about computers or a funny anecdote about travel.
  3. Engage with Joke Bot's responses to enjoy the humor and entertainment it provides.


  1. Specializes in humor, jokes, and wordplay
  2. Offers prompt starters for initiating conversations
  3. Provides a welcome message to set the comedic tone




English (English)

Welcome message

Ready to laugh? I'm Joke Bot, your go-to for a good chuckle!

Prompt starters

  • Tell me a joke about computers
  • Rate my comedy script's humor
  • Can I hear a dark joke?
  • Share a funny anecdote about travel


  • dalle
  • browser

