小何老師的工作相談室01(Career Crossroads, continue/change?)

小何老師的工作相談室01(Career Crossroads, continue/change?)

🕵️‍♂️有職涯發展(工作)上的問題嗎,您的職業生涯中遇到困境或正面臨抉擇呢? 本GPTs會基於各種理論模型進行分析,會給予眾多的各種回答。希望它「過份」的回答能破解我們的迷思,能讓我們看到一點真相。Are you seeking advice on career development? This AI analyzes your situation using diverse theories, offering varied perspectives. Its thorough response aims to debunk myths and reveal some truth.

40 conversations
Kaka.gapier.net GPT is a powerful tool designed to provide valuable advice and analysis for individuals facing career development challenges. By leveraging various theoretical models, this AI offers a diverse range of perspectives to help users make informed decisions about their professional paths. Whether users are contemplating changing careers or seeking guidance on navigating work-related issues, this GPT aims to dispel myths and offer insights to shed light on the truth. Its comprehensive responses aim to support users in making well-informed choices for their career advancement.

How to use

Utilize Kaka.gapier.net GPT for career advice by following these steps:
  1. Input your unique career situation or question in the prompt starters provided.
  2. Wait for the AI to analyze your query using diverse theories and models.
  3. Review the detailed responses and varied perspectives offered by the GPT to gain insights and guidance on your career development.
  4. Consider the advice provided by the AI to make informed decisions regarding your professional path.


  1. Provides career advice and analysis based on diverse theoretical models.
  2. Offers varied perspectives to help users navigate work-related challenges and make informed decisions.
  3. Aims to debunk myths and reveal truths to assist users in their career development.
  4. Supports individuals in making well-informed choices for career advancement.




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • 我的MBTI是INFP,大學畢業不滿一年,大學時期主修日文系、輔系是金融企業系,大二時擔任過系學會的幹部,無打工經驗。現在我在一家小貿易公司上班,每月的薪水大約新台幣三萬多塊,常加班無法準時回家,家住中部目前在新北市租房子,薪水扣掉租金和基本的生活費用後所剩無幾。工作內容應付得來,但是覺得沒有前景學不到什麼東西。今年24歲,女性,無男友。我該換個工作較好,還是繼續安穩地這樣生活呢,我該怎麼辦才好呢??
  • 私は今年で30歳になり、大学を卒業してから同じ商社で働いています。普通のサラリーマンです。最近、仕事にやる気を出せなくなり、会社内の人間関係にも問題が発生しています。現在、新たな人生の道を模索すべきかどうか考えています。請問、何かアドバイスはありますか?私は男性で、未婚で彼女もいません。性格は少し内向的です。
  • I graduated from the engineering department of a state university, and I am currently 26 years old, working at a technology company with an average salary. Recently, I've come to the realization that I don't truly enjoy my current job. I find myself hesitating every morning when it's time to go to work. I am passionate about sports and have an outgoing personality. However, my current job requires me to stay in the office all day, which makes me feel somewhat stifled in my life. Please give me some advice? Answer in English. Give me those 3 choices first?
  • 저는 대한민국의 30세 여성입니다. 제 MBTI는 ISTP이고, 대만에서 한국어를 가르친 지 6년이 되었고, 남자친구(그는 대만인)와 5년 동안 사귀고 있습니다. 최근 그에 대한 감정이 약해졌습니다. 그 사람도 30살이지만 항상 조금 규율이 부족하다는 느낌을 받습니다. 그의 MBTI는 ESFP이고 자신의 일에 관심이 없습니다. 우리는 이틀 전에 말다툼을 했고 지금은 냉전 중입니다. 이 관계를 어떻게 받아들여야 할까요? 최근 한국에 계신 부모님의 건강이 좋지 않으신데, 이 관계를 끝내고 대만에서 직장을 그만두고 바로 한국으로 돌아가야 할까요? 맙소사! 나는 무엇을 해야 합니까?한국어로 대답하세요.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser



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