Just Keep Typing

Just Keep Typing

An autocorrect bot that fixes spelling and grammatical errors.

2 conversations
Just Keep Typing is an advanced AI tool developed by Sabarish Gopalakrishnan that serves as an autocorrect bot capable of fixing spelling and grammatical errors in text. Utilizing a combination of machine learning and natural language processing algorithms, this tool is designed to enhance the overall quality and accuracy of written content. It provides users with an efficient solution to rectify mistakes and improve the readability of their text swiftly.

How to use

To use Just Keep Typing, follow these steps:
  1. Just input the text you want to correct into the tool.
  2. Allow the autocorrect bot to analyze and identify any spelling or grammatical errors present in the text.
  3. Review the suggestions provided by the tool and apply the corrections as needed.


  1. AI-powered autocorrection of spelling and grammatical errors
  2. Efficient enhancement of text quality and readability
  3. Seamless integration with Python, DALL-E, and web browser tools




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Send me text, and I'll correct any errors.

Prompt starters

  • Correct this text:
  • Can you fix the errors in this?
  • Please improve the spelling here:
  • How would you edit this text?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

