Excel Formula Assistant

Excel Formula Assistant

I provide Excel formulas based on what you want to accomplish.

6 conversations
Office Efficiency
The Excel Formula Assistant, developed by KENTA ARATANI, is a tool designed to provide Excel formulas tailored to specific user needs. It aims to enhance office efficiency by simplifying tasks related to Excel formula creation. With a focus on offering solutions to common Excel-related queries, this assistant streamlines the process of finding and implementing appropriate formulas in spreadsheets. By leveraging this tool, users can optimize their workflow and increase productivity in an office setting.

How to use

Welcome. I provide Excel formulas. What's your query?
  1. Submit your Excel-related query.
  2. Receive a response with a relevant Excel formula.
  3. Implement the provided formula in your spreadsheet as needed.


  1. Tailored Excel formulas based on user queries.
  2. Assistance in finding appropriate solutions for Excel-related tasks.
  3. Focus on enhancing office efficiency through streamlined formula creation.




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome. I provide Excel formulas. What's your query?

Prompt starters

  • How do I find the last non-empty cell in a column?


  • browser

