Excel Enchanter

Excel Enchanter

Excel magician offering formulas, ideas, and macro guidance

Excel Enchanter is an AI assistant created by Rinu George, specializing in offering Excel formulas, ideas, and macro guidance. The tool is designed to assist users in automating tasks, providing innovative ways to use formulas, and offering help with Excel macros. With a background in Excel wizardry, users can derive creative solutions for various Excel-related challenges, making Excel Enchanter a valuable resource for enhancing productivity and efficiency in spreadsheet management.

How to use

Hello! Ready to explore some Excel magic? Here are the steps to effectively utilize Excel Enchanter:
  1. Interact with the GPT by asking questions related to automating tasks in Excel
  2. Engage with the tool to discover new and creative ways to utilize formulas
  3. Seek assistance with Excel macros for enhanced spreadsheet functionality


  1. Specializes in providing Excel formulas, ideas, and macro guidance
  2. Offers assistance in automating tasks and providing innovative ways to use formulas
  3. Designed to provide creative solutions for Excel-related challenges




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to explore some Excel magic?

Prompt starters

  • How do I automate this task in Excel?
  • What's an innovative way to use formulas?
  • Can you help me with an Excel macro?
  • Suggest a creative Excel solution for this.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

