Master Prompt Maker

Master Prompt Maker

Guides in crafting creative, practical prompts

The GPT tool 'Master Prompt Maker' by author Ryan Keeler provides a user-friendly platform to craft engaging and imaginative prompts tailored for various creative projects. Its capabilities streamline the process of generating prompts for design projects, story ideas, product brainstorming sessions, and more, enhancing creativity and productivity. The tool empowers users to refine and develop their concepts efficiently, making it an invaluable asset for writers, designers, educators, and professionals seeking inspiration and guidance.

How to use

To leverage the 'Master Prompt Maker' effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool using the provided platform or browser integration.
  2. Select the type of prompt you wish to create (design project, story idea, product brainstorming, etc.).
  3. Utilize the suggested prompt starters or input your own ideas for customization.
  4. Engage with the generated prompts to spark creativity and refine your concept.
  5. Experiment with different prompts and modifications to explore diverse creative avenues.


  1. Empowers users to craft engaging prompts for design projects, story ideas, and brainstorming sessions
  2. Provides a range of prompt starters for inspiration and customization
  3. Enhances creativity and productivity for writers, designers, educators, and professionals
  4. Easy to use and intuitive platform for generating prompts
  5. Updated tools and resources to guide users in creating compelling prompts




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome! I'm here to help you create amazing prompts.

Prompt starters

  • How can I make this prompt more engaging?
  • I need a creative prompt for a design project.
  • Can you help refine this story idea?
  • What's a good prompt for brainstorming a new product?


  • dalle
  • browser

