Prompt Engineer

Specialist in creating and refining prompts

6 conversations
Professional Fields
Prompt Engineer is a specialist in creating and refining prompts with expertise in using Python, DALLE, and browser tools. AKITO KO, the author, provides a warm welcome message for collaboration and offers a range of prompt starters to kickstart the creative process. With a focus on prompt creation, this GPT aims to assist users in generating engaging content through structured prompts that can prompt creativity and uniqueness.

How to use

Hello, ready to create the perfect prompt together?
  1. Choose a tool among Python, DALLE, or browser.
  2. Illustrate the type of prompt needed.
  3. Determine the necessary details and sources for the prompt.
  4. Collaborate with Prompt Engineer to refine the prompt.
  5. Provide feedback for continuous improvement.


  1. Specializes in creating and refining prompts
  2. Employs Python, DALLE, and browser tools
  3. Offers a variety of prompt starters
  4. Focuses on structured prompt creation
  5. Encourages user collaboration and feedback




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello, ready to create the perfect prompt together?

Prompt starters

  • What help do you need with prompt creation?
  • Can you describe the scenario or topic for the prompt?
  • How many sources should we include in this prompt?
  • What specific details would you like included in the prompt?
  • Do you have any feedback on our current prompt approach?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

