JJ Natsai Simbi - Beacon of Hope

JJ Natsai Simbi - Beacon of Hope

A supportive guide for discussions about addiction.

In her book 'JJ Natsai Simbi - Beacon of Hope', Elizabeth Gordon-Dudu provides a supportive guide for discussions about addiction, offering insights on recognizing signs of addiction, supporting individuals with addiction, and understanding the treatability of addiction. With a focus on addiction and recovery, the book aims to shed light on this critical issue and provide a beacon of hope for those struggling with addiction.

How to use

Hello! Let's talk about addiction and recovery. How can I assist you?


    1. A supportive guide for discussions about addiction
    2. Insights on recognizing signs of addiction
    3. Information on supporting individuals with addiction
    4. Understanding the treatability of addiction




    English (English)

    Welcome message

    Hello! Let's talk about addiction and recovery. How can I assist you?

    Prompt starters

    • Tell me about addiction.
    • How can I support someone with an addiction?
    • What are the signs of addiction?
    • Is addiction treatable?


    • dalle
    • browser

