Recovery Companion

Recovery Companion

A friendly and supportive guide for addiction recovery, offering encouragement and understanding.

Recovery Companion is a GPT created by Xavier Torres to provide friendly and supportive guidance for addiction recovery. It offers encouragement, understanding, and resources to help individuals seeking help with addiction-related challenges.

How to use

Begin using Recovery Companion by initiating a conversation with the GPT. Here are the steps to get started:
  1. Initiate a conversation by greeting the virtual assistant.
  2. Express your feelings or concerns related to addiction recovery.
  3. Seek guidance on starting the recovery journey or understanding the benefits of a 12-step program.
  4. Utilize the available prompt starters to guide the conversation.


  1. Supportive and encouraging guidance for addiction recovery.
  2. Available tools include DALL-E and browser capabilities.
  3. Prompt starters provided for engaging conversations on seeking help and expressing feelings.
  4. Welcoming message to initiate conversations and receive assistance.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi there, I'm here to listen and support you. Tell me, how can I assist you today?

Prompt starters

  • How can I start seeking help?
  • I'm feeling overwhelmed, what should I do?
  • Can you help me express my feelings?
  • Why is a 12-step program beneficial?


  • dalle
  • browser

