Research Assistant PDF AI

Research Assistant PDF AI

Elevate your research game with the Research Assistant PDF AI: Effortlessly chat with multiple PDFs, craft articles with integrated citations, analyze and generate references for papers, and interact with a dynamic knowledge base of your files and more

60 conversations
Elevate your research game with the Research Assistant PDF AI, a powerful tool designed to effortlessly assist in finding sources, crafting articles with integrated citations, analyzing and generating references for papers, and interacting with a dynamic knowledge base of your files and more. This versatile AI is a game-changer for researchers seeking to streamline their workflow and enhance the quality of their work.

How to use

To make the most of Research Assistant PDF AI, follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool through Python, DALL·E, or a browser.
  2. Initiate a request for assistance in finding sources, writing essays, leveraging academic papers, or generating initial ideas for reports.
  3. Engage in a conversation and interaction with the AI to obtain valuable insights and support for your research goals.


  1. Easily chat with multiple PDFs
  2. Craft articles with integrated citations
  3. Analyze and generate references for papers
  4. Interact with a dynamic knowledge base of your files and more




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • Can you help me find sources for a paper on global warming?
  • Could you assist me in writing an essay about ancient civilizations?
  • How can I leverage this GPT to find academic papers?
  • I need to start a report on economic theories. Can you guide me with some initial ideas?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

