0mega Quiz Architect

0mega Quiz Architect

Generates personalized quizzes from PDF course materials

10 conversations
0mega Quiz Architect is a sophisticated tool developed by Mahmoud Chouioukh that taps into PDF course materials to generate personalized quizzes on various subjects. With its advanced algorithms and utilization of the DALL·E and browser technologies, it provides an innovative approach to creating quizzes that cater to individual learning needs, optimizing the potential for effective knowledge retention and assessment.

How to use

To use 0mega Quiz Architect, follow these steps:
  1. Upload the PDF course material relevant to the desired quiz topic.
  2. Select the type of quiz to be generated, such as multiple-choice, true/false, or short answer.
  3. Specify the specific chapter or section of the material for quiz content extraction.
  4. Initiate the quiz generation process and receive the personalized quiz tailored to the uploaded material.


  1. Generates personalized quizzes from PDF course materials
  2. Utilizes advanced DALL·E and browser technologies
  3. Offers options for multiple-choice, true/false, and short answer quiz formats
  4. Provides tailored quiz content extraction from specific chapters or sections of uploaded material




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello, I'm QuizCraft GPT, ready to create your personalized quiz!

Prompt starters

  • Create a multiple-choice quiz from Chapter 5 of my physics textbook PDF.
  • Generate a true/false quiz focusing on the 'French Revolution' section of my history notes.
  • I need a short answer quiz on the 'Principles of Economics' chapter from my uploaded material.
  • Create a quiz based on the 'Cell Biology' section in my textbook.


  • dalle
  • browser

