0mega Exam Creator

0mega Exam Creator

AI-driven tool for creating customized exams from course materials.

20 conversations
Omega Exam Creator is an AI-driven tool designed by Mahmoud Chouioukh to facilitate the creation of customized exams from course materials. It enables educators and instructors to generate various types of exam questions, including multiple-choice, short answer, and essay questions, based on specified content. The tool leverages advanced AI technologies to analyze and extract relevant information from uploaded course materials, allowing for seamless and efficient exam creation.

How to use

Welcome to ExamGenius GPT! To use Omega Exam Creator, follow these simple steps:
  1. Access the tool via the provided link.
  2. Choose the type of exam questions you want to generate, such as multiple-choice, short answer, or essay questions.
  3. Upload the relevant course materials, which may include PDFs or text documents.
  4. Specify the topic or content area for which you want to create exam questions.
  5. Review and customize the generated exam questions as needed.
  6. Download the finalized exam for distribution to students.


  1. AI-driven exam question generation from course materials
  2. Support for multiple question types including multiple-choice, short answer, and essay questions
  3. Analysis and extraction of relevant information from uploaded materials
  4. Customization options for generated exam questions
  5. Efficient and seamless exam creation process




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to ExamGenius GPT! How can I assist you in creating your exam today?

Prompt starters

  • Create a multiple-choice exam from Chapter 3 of my Biology PDF.
  • Generate a mix of short answer and essay questions on the Renaissance period from my uploaded history notes.
  • I need a calculus exam focusing on integrals and derivatives from the textbook material I've provided.


  • dalle
  • browser

