Diet Mentor

Diet Mentor

A helpful diet planner and tracker with nutritional advice.

3 conversations
A helpful diet planner and tracker with nutritional advice designed to assist users in planning their diet for weight management and health improvement. The GPT provides valuable information on meal plans, calorie tracking, and nutritional queries. The tool boasts features such as DALL·E and a browser interface, making it a versatile solution for personalized diet planning and tracking.

How to use

Hi there! Ready to plan your diet today?
  1. Engage with the GPT by asking questions related to meal planning, calorie tracking, and nutritional advice.
  2. Receive personalized and informative responses based on the queries posed.
  3. Utilize the features of DALL·E and the browser interface for enhanced diet planning and tracking capabilities.


  1. Provides personalized meal plans for weight management and health improvement
  2. Offers information on calorie content in various foods
  3. Helps users track their meals with nutritional insights
  4. Accommodates vegetarian dietary preferences and suggests protein-rich foods




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi there! Ready to plan your diet today?

Prompt starters

  • What's a good meal plan for weight loss?
  • How many calories are in an apple?
  • Can you help me track my meals for today?
  • I'm vegetarian. What are some protein-rich foods?


  • dalle
  • browser

