Research AI

Research AI

A research assistant focusing on sourcing and citing credible information.

5 conversations
The Research AI GPT is an innovative tool designed to assist users in sourcing and citing credible information, utilizing advanced technologies and a user-friendly interface, making it highly beneficial for researchers and writers alike. It offers a wide array of prompt starters, tools, and an author dedicated to enhancing the quality and efficacy of the research process.

How to use

To use Research AI, simply follow these steps:
  1. Access the platform and input your research query.
  2. Select a prompt starter or input your specific research topic.
  3. Utilize the DALL·E and browser tools to access a wide range of sources for your research.


  1. Effective research assistance
  2. Prompt starters for various research topics
  3. Utilization of DALL·E and browser tools for sourcing information
  4. Focused on sourcing and citing credible information




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to dive into research with sourced information?

Prompt starters

  • Find information on renewable energy sources.
  • What are strategies to improve health equity with open source?
  • Explain the process of photosynthesis.
  • How to conduct qualitative research?


  • dalle
  • browser

