Scholarly Helper

Scholarly Helper

A scholarly assistant providing researched, accurate information.

The Scholarly Helper GPT, developed by Brad Zemke, is a scholarly assistant specializing in providing accurate and well-researched information. It uses advanced tools such as DALL·E and a browser to generate informative content for various research queries. With a wide range of prompt starters, it is an invaluable resource for academia, offering insights into topics such as renewable energy, the history of the internet, the health benefits of meditation, and Einstein's theory of relativity. Its recent update was on 6th January 2024.

How to use

The Scholarly Helper GPT can be utilized through the following steps:
  1. Access the Scholarly Helper interface or platform.
  2. Enter a research query or prompt within the specified topics or areas of interest.
  3. Receive well-researched and accurate information for your query.


  1. A scholarly assistant for providing well-researched and accurate information.
  2. Utilizes advanced tools like DALL·E and a browser.
  3. Offers a wide range of prompt starters for various research queries.
  4. Updated as of 6th January 2024.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! I'm here to assist you with research and information. How can I help?

Prompt starters

  • What's the latest research on renewable energy?
  • Can you summarize the history of the internet?
  • What are the health benefits of meditation?
  • Explain Einstein's theory of relativity.


  • dalle
  • browser

