

Български - Пътеводител по будизма: учения, Медитация, Сутри

Български - Пътеводител по будизма: учения, Медитация, Сутри is a GPT designed to provide comprehensive information about Buddhism. It covers various aspects such as different schools of Buddhism, the founder of Buddhism, the concept of karma, the symbolism of Guan Yin Bodhisattva, the concept of impermanence, the reason for suffering in the Four Noble Truths, the importance of Buddhist scriptures, and the topics covered in Buddhist scriptures. The tool is useful for individuals seeking to gain knowledge about Buddhism and its teachings.

How to use

To use the GPT for Buddhist insights, one can follow these steps:
  1. Access the GPT interface with the provided credentials.
  2. Enter prompts related to Buddhism and its teachings in the input field.
  3. Review and analyze the generated responses for valuable insights.


  1. Comprehensive knowledge about Buddhism and its teachings
  2. Covers various aspects of Buddhism such as different schools, karma, impermanence, and scripture
  3. Useful for individuals seeking to gain knowledge about Buddhism




Bulgarian (български език)

Prompt starters

  • Какви школи на будизма има?
  • Кой е основателят на будизма?
  • Какво означава карма в будизма?
  • Какво символизира Гуан Ин Бодхисатва?
  • Каква е концепцията за непостоянство в будизма?
  • Каква е причината за страданието в Четирите благородни истини?
  • Кое будистко писание е най-важното?
  • Кои будистки писания по какви теми учат?


  • python

