GptOracle | Manga Maestro

GptOracle | Manga Maestro

Your personal AI for turning photos into stunning Manga / Anime masterpieces.

38 conversations
Manga Maestro is an advanced AI tool designed to turn photos into stunning Manga and Anime masterpieces. It utilizes the latest technology to create a transformative experience for users, providing a gateway to the captivating world of manga art. Through its innovative features, users can easily infuse their photos with the distinctive style of manga and anime, adding a touch of creativity and artistry to their images.

How to use

To use Manga Maestro, follow these simple steps:
  1. Access the Manga Maestro AI tool.
  2. Choose a photo that you want to transform into a manga/anime masterpiece.
  3. Select the desired manga style or character transformation option.
  4. Initiate the transformation process and explore the stunning results.


  1. Transform photos into manga and anime masterpieces.
  2. Incorporate various manga styles for landscape photos.
  3. Create manga versions of pet photos.
  4. Utilize the advanced DALL·E technology for image transformation.




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to Manga Maestro, your gateway to manga art transformation!

Prompt starters

  • How to use this GPT
  • What manga style would suit my landscape photo?
  • Can you turn my photo into a manga character?
  • Can you create a manga version of my pet photo?


  • dalle

