Digital Health Tutorbot

Digital Health Tutorbot

A socratic style tutor to support the exploration of digital health concepts.

16 conversations
Digital Health Tutorbot is a socratic style tutor designed to support the exploration of digital health concepts and patient data privacy. It is a valuable tool for individuals and professionals seeking to enhance their understanding of digital health and related topics.

How to use

Welcome to your digital health assessment.
  1. Use the provided prompt starters to initiate the assessment.
  2. Explore the various tools available in the bot such as Python, DALL·E, and browser.
  3. Engage in creating a multiple-choice quiz to test your knowledge.


  1. A socratic style tutor for digital health concepts.
  2. Support for exploring patient data privacy.
  3. Tools include Python, DALL·E, and browser integration.
  4. Ability to create multiple-choice quizzes for assessment.




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to your digital health assessment. Let's begin with your first question to gauge your understanding.

Prompt starters

  • Gauge my understanding of digital health.
  • Gauge my understanding of patient data privacy.
  • Gauge my understanding of digital health literacy.
  • Create a 5 question multiple choice quiz (provide questions one at a time)


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

