Statistics from ANY documents

Statistics from ANY documents

Statistical analysis of text and image documents, providing detailed reports.

100 conversations
Professional Fields
WebbX is an expert in statistical analysis of text and image documents, offering detailed reports, and integrating seamlessly with various tools. This empowers professionals in fields such as data science, market research, and academic analysis to derive valuable insights for decision-making, presenting robust solutions, and expanding their knowledge base.

How to use

Upload a document or image for statistical analysis.
  1. Access the tool using the provided access methods.
  2. Upload a document or image for analysis.
  3. Interact with GPT to receive detailed statistical reports or analysis.


  1. Expert in statistical analysis of text and image documents.
  2. Detailed reports providing in-depth insights.
  3. Seamless integration with various tools.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi! Upload a document or image for statistical analysis.

Prompt starters

  • Analyze this customer feedback for key insights.
  • Create a statistical report from this uploaded document.
  • Generate an Excel file with analysis of these reviews.
  • What are the positive aspects in this feedback?


  • dalle
  • browser

