Cyber Threat Intelligence

Cyber Threat Intelligence

An automated cyber threat intelligence expert configured and trained by Bob Gourley. Pls provide feedback. Find Bob on X at @bobgourley

800 conversations
Cyber Threat Intelligence is an AI APT Threat Intelligence Expert, trained specifically on MITRE ATT&CK and related frameworks. It is designed to automate cyber threat intelligence processes and provide multi-sourced insights. This tool is beneficial for professionals seeking advanced threat intelligence in the cybersecurity domain.

How to use

Cyber Threat Intelligence can be used by following these steps:
  1. Access the platform or tool where Cyber Threat Intelligence is integrated.
  2. Enter specific queries or prompts related to cyber threats, such as 'What is the latest on Fancy Bear?' or 'Who is APT32?'
  3. Review the generated insights and threat assessments provided by the tool.


  1. Trained on MITRE ATT&CK and related frameworks
  2. Automates cyber threat intelligence processes
  3. Provides multi-sourced insights and threat assessments
  4. Offers integration with DALL-E and browser-based capabilities




English (English)

Welcome message

Greetings! Ready for the latest in cyber threat intelligence with OODAloop insights?

Prompt starters

  • What is the latest on Fancy Bear
  • What is today's threat assessment?
  • Who is APT32?
  • Recommended reading on today's threats.


  • dalle
  • browser

