Secret Message Creator: Change Text to Secret Code

Secret Message Creator: Change Text to Secret Code

Translates your messages into a secret language and explains how to decipher them so you can talk secretly with friends.

4 conversations
Transform messages into coded scripts and explains how to decipher them. The tool is designed to provide a secure method of encoding and decoding messages for various purposes. Users can quickly and easily transform their text into secret scripts for communication. Through utilizing DALL·E and browser technologies, it offers a seamless approach to creating and understanding secret messages.

How to use

Welcome! Ready to encode your message?
  1. Enter the text message or prompt into the tool.
  2. Select the preferred method of encoding.
  3. Generate the secret script or message.
  4. Share the encoded message with the intended recipient.
  5. To decode a message, input the script and select the corresponding decoding method.


  1. Ability to encode messages into secret scripts
  2. Ability to decode secret scripts back into original messages
  3. Support for DALL·E and browser technologies for enhanced encoding and decoding capabilities
  4. User-friendly interface for quick and easy encoding and decoding of messages




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome! Ready to encode your message?

Prompt starters

  • Encode this message for me:
  • How can my friend decipher this?
  • Turn this text into a secret script.
  • Explain how to decode this message.


  • dalle
  • browser

