Mother Big River meaning?

Mother Big River meaning?

What is Mother Big River lyrics meaning? Mother Big River singer:Jessica Pratt,album:Jessica Pratt ,album_time:2012. Click The LINK For More ↓↓↓

Mother Big River is a song by Jessica Pratt from her self-titled album released in 2012. The lyrics of the song reflect a deep emotional connection to nature and its influence on the human experience. The song's meaning can be interpreted as an exploration of the interconnectedness of life and the natural world, with themes of introspection, longing, and a sense of yearning for understanding. The evocative lyrics and haunting melody draw the listener into a contemplative and introspective space, making it a captivating piece of folk music that resonates with a universal human experience. Through its poetic imagery and timeless sound, Mother Big River stands as a poignant and evocative musical work that continues to captivate audiences and inspire contemplation in its listeners.

How to use

To explore the meaning of Mother Big River lyrics, follow these steps:
  1. Access a lyrics database or music streaming platform with the song available.
  2. Search for 'Mother Big River' by Jessica Pratt.
  3. Listen to the song and read the lyrics while paying attention to the symbolism and poetic nuances.


  1. Provides a deep emotional connection to nature and human experience.
  2. Explores themes of introspection, longing, and interconnectedness of life and nature.
  3. Captivating folk music with evocative lyrics and haunting melody.




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