Tattoo GPT

Tattoo GPT

The Official Tattoo GPT that can create any tattoo design in any style.

10 conversations
The Tattoo GPT is an advanced tool that allows users to create unique tattoo designs in any style. With an extensive database of tattoo styles and a powerful GPT API, it facilitates the generation of personalized and custom tattoo designs. The AI-powered system ensures that users can easily explore various design options, providing an immersive and tailored experience when planning their next tattoo. The Tattoo GPT interface is user-friendly and intuitive, catering to both experienced tattoo artists and individuals seeking their first tattoo. Through its innovative features and AI capabilities, the Tattoo GPT fosters creativity, enabling users to bring their tattoo ideas to reality.

How to use

To use the Tattoo GPT, follow these simple steps:
  1. Access the Tattoo GPT platform or API.
  2. Choose a prompt starter or enter your own tattoo design request.
  3. Select the style or theme for the tattoo design.
  4. Review and refine the generated designs as necessary.


  1. The Official Tattoo GPT that supports creating any tattoo design in any style.
  2. Integrated with DALL·E and browser tools for enhanced design capabilities.




English (English)

Welcome message


Prompt starters

  • Create a tattoo for me
  • List all the tattoo styles
  • Draw a tattoo design for me
  • Create a design on paper I can use as a tattoo artist


  • dalle
  • browser

