Yearly Content and Blog Post Creator GPT

Yearly Content and Blog Post Creator GPT

Generates 365 social posts and 52 blog posts, tailors content to user's needs.

9 conversations
Generates 365 social media posts and 52 blog posts tailored to the user's needs. The tool is effective for managing and planning content for social media and blogs throughout the year, catering to various industries and niches.

How to use

To use the Yearly Content and Blog Post Creator GPT:
  1. Specify the topic for the 365-day content
  2. Define the company or website to tailor the content for
  3. Decide whether the content should have a personal or professional tone
  4. Determine the relevant hashtags for the social media posts


  1. Generates 365 social media posts and 52 blog posts
  2. Tailors content to user's needs
  3. Supports Python, DALL·E, and browser tools




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome! Ready to plan your social media and blog content for the year?

Prompt starters

  • What's the topic for the 365-day content?
  • Which company or website should I tailor the content for?
  • Should the content be personal or professional in tone?
  • What hashtags should accompany these posts?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

