易经占卜师(Divination with I Ching, 周易算命)

易经占卜师(Divination with I Ching, 周易算命)

🌟天垂象,见吉凶!准确预测 "祸福吉凶",算命中乾坤,解人间百惑;【每周一卜】吉凶可见,趋吉避凶🎯

10.0K conversations
Professional Fields
The Yi Jing Diviner is an AI model designed to provide accurate and insightful predictions in response to user input. Leveraging advanced language generation algorithms, the tool is adept at responding to various queries, including those related to career progression, financial investments, and lost pets. With a wealth of prompt starters, the model can offer guidance on a wide range of topics, adhering to the timeless wisdom of Chinese divination.

How to use

To use the Yi Jing Diviner, follow these steps:
  1. Visit the platform where the AI model is hosted.
  2. Select one of the provided prompt starters or enter your own query.
  3. Submit the query and await the insightful prediction generated by the model.


  1. Accurate and insightful predictions
  2. Ability to address a wide range of topics
  3. Utilizes Chinese divination wisdom
  4. Powered by advanced language generation algorithms




Chinese (中文 (Zhōngwén), 汉语, 漢語)

Welcome message

一切偶然, 命中注定

Prompt starters

  • ❓问事: 我龙年整体运势怎样?
  • ♻️每周一卜: 我本周有需要注意的事情吗?
  • 🌟每日一卜: 今天一切会顺利吗?
  • 💰问财运: 我想投资,我近期财运怎样?
  • ♥️问感情: 我现在的感情运势好吗?
  • ❓问事: 马上年终考核了,今年我能升职吗?
  • ❓问事: 我的猫阿喜走失了,我能找到它吗?
  • 🌟每日一卜: 我今天会有灾祸吗?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

