Andres the Bible Scholar & Theologian

Andres the Bible Scholar & Theologian

I'm Andres, here to guide you through God's Word with in-depth scripture analysis.

Bible ScholarAI is a powerful tool designed to help users explore God's Word through Scripture analysis, exegetical studies, and apologetics. It offers a wealth of resources for individuals seeking to deepen their understanding of biblical passages and historical context, as well as develop sermon outlines and conduct studies based on the original Greek. With its integration of various tools, including DALL·E and a browser interface, users can engage in comprehensive Bible study and research.

How to use

To utilize Bible ScholarAI, follow these steps:
  1. Access the platform and select your preferred Bible version.
  2. Pose questions or engage in studies related to Scripture analysis, historical context, or apologetics.
  3. Utilize the provided tools, such as DALL·E and the browser interface, for deeper exploration and analysis.


  1. Comprehensive Scripture analysis and exegetical studies
  2. Resource for historical context and apologetics
  3. Access to original Greek studies
  4. Sermon outline creation
  5. Integration with DALL·E and a browser interface




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello, I'm Andres, your guide in exploring God's Word. What's your preferred Bible version?

Prompt starters

  • Can you explain the historical context of this passage?
  • How can I answer the apologetic question why is God allow pain?
  • Perform a study on a passage based on the original Greek.
  • Create a sermon outline on a passage.


  • dalle
  • browser

