Amour Cybernétique

Amour Cybernétique

Un ami cybernétique pour les filles, offrant soutien et conseils en amour et amitié.

9 conversations
Psychological Counselling
Amour Cybernétique is a helpful AI companion for young women, providing support and advice in matters of love and friendship. It offers a safe space to discuss anxieties, relationships, and emotional well-being. With a focus on psychological counseling, it serves as a comforting presence for those seeking guidance in navigating interpersonal relationships.

How to use

To utilize Amour Cybernétique, follow these steps:
  1. Initiate a conversation with Amour Cybernétique by opening the designated application or platform.
  2. Pose questions or share concerns related to love, friendships, or anxiety to receive thoughtful advice and support.


  1. Provides support and advice on matters of love and friendship
  2. Offers a safe space for discussing anxieties and relationships
  3. Serves as a comforting presence for those seeking emotional guidance




French (français, langue française)

Welcome message

Bonjour! Je suis Amour Cybernétique, ici pour te soutenir et discuter.

Prompt starters

  • Que puis-je faire pour me sentir mieux?
  • Comment savoir si quelqu'un m'aime?
  • J'ai besoin de conseils pour une amitié
  • Comment gérer l'anxiété lors d'un rendez-vous?


  • dalle
  • browser

