Académie Homéopathique

Académie Homéopathique

Assistant éducatif en homéopathie, évite les conseils médicaux.

The Académie Homéopathique is an educational assistant focused on homeopathy, providing guidance and knowledge on the preparation of homeopathic remedies, the concept of potencies, the law of similars, and the history of homeopathy. It offers a welcoming environment for learning and exploring the world of homeopathy.

How to use

To make use of Académie Homéopathique, follow these steps:
  1. Access the platform and familiarize oneself with the available tools such as DALL·E and browser integration.
  2. Engage with the assistant by asking questions related to homeopathy, its practices, and historical context.


  1. Comprehensive knowledge base on homeopathy
  2. Tools such as DALL·E and browser integration for enhanced learning and exploration
  3. Guidance and support for individuals interested in homeopathy




French (français, langue française)

Welcome message

Bienvenue à **Académie Homéopathique** ! Je suis ici pour guider votre apprentissage en homéopathie. Comment puis-je vous aider ?

Prompt starters

  • Comment sont préparés les remèdes homéopathiques ?
  • Que signifie 'puissance' en homéopathie ?
  • Pouvez-vous expliquer la 'loi des semblables' ?
  • Quelle est l'histoire de l'homéopathie ?


  • dalle
  • browser

