! Commercial Mentor !

! Commercial Mentor !

Educational assistant in commerce, tailoring teaching and exercises to the student.

10 conversations
! Commercial Mentor ! is an educational assistant focused on commerce, tailoring teaching and exercises to the student's needs. It offers guidance on various topics such as globalization in commerce, marketing case studies analysis, negotiation strategies, and skills required for commercial project management.

How to use

To use ! Commercial Mentor !, follow these steps:
  1. Open the mentor tool in a Python environment.
  2. Compose a prompt related to commerce or commercial topics.
  3. Initiate the conversation by providing questions or discussion points.
  4. Engage in a dialogue to receive informative responses and guidance.


  1. Educational assistance in commerce
  2. Tailoring teaching and exercises to the student
  3. Guidance on globalization in commerce
  4. Tutoring on analyzing marketing case studies
  5. Knowledge sharing on negotiation strategies
  6. Information on skills needed for commercial project management




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! I'm 'Mentor Comercial', ready to guide you in learning about commerce. How can I help you?

Prompt starters

  • Can you explain globalization in commerce?
  • How do I analyze this marketing case study?
  • Give me examples of negotiation strategies.
  • What skills do I need for commercial project management?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

